Rapper Drizilik Calls on S.Leone Government to Address Kush Drug Crisis as a Pandemic

Sierra Leonean rapper Benjamin Menelik George, popularly known as Drizilik, is urging the Government of Sierra Leone to tackle the widespread kush addiction in the country as a pandemic.

In a post on his official Facebook page in Krio language, Drizilik emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating that the recent mass burials of 32 individuals who are believed to have died from kush usage should be a wake-up call for the government. He called for immediate action to address the issue, including identifying and holding accountable those responsible for importing and distributing the dangerous drug.

The video of the mass burial, which took place in the west of Freetown in Kingtom, revealed that 25 men and seven women were laid to rest in a mass grave. Kush, a potent mixture of synthetic cannabinoids and other harmful chemicals, has become increasingly prevalent in Sierra Leone, particularly among young people, with alarming rates of addiction and related health issues. In a Facebook post in 2023, Chief Minister David Sengeh stated that President Julius Maada Bio had mandated them to fight drug abuse.

The impact of kush addiction is not limited to Sierra Leone, as neighboring Liberia is also facing similar challenges. Liberian President Joseph Boakai recently declared drug abuse a public health emergency, stressing the need for urgent action to address the crisis. President Boakai underscored the grave threat posed by drug addiction to the country’s future and emphasized the importance of collective efforts to combat this national security risk.

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